Keep Warm this Holiday Season with Skechers Boots (Giveaway)

We started November off here with a huge dumping of snow. In less than 24 hours we received more snow than some places see all winter. It was a bit of a shock and quickly prepared everyone for winter. If you had not already picked up your winter necessities you were out looking. Shovels, snowContinue Reading …

3 Clothing Catalogues That Cater for the Whole Family

Some clothing catalogues cater for the entire family, with products for both children and adults. You can spread the cost of your order and pay in installments, and have your purchases delivered to your home address but which retailers are best? Here are three that you need to know about. 1. Very Very is oneContinue Reading …

Giant Tiger Your One Stop Shop for Summer (Giveaway)

When we go shopping I tend to look for store that have the most bang for my buck. Stores I can go in, grab what I want quick and leave. When planning our family shopping trips I tend to look for stores I can get most of what is on my list. The fewer placesContinue Reading …

Stock up for Spring with Limeapple & their Easter Sale March 4th

Every spring my daughter looks through her closet and pulls out the most beautiful dresses and the most colourful outfits. She then gives me a pile of clothes she has outgrown and a list of her needs and wants. I give her a smile and place the list in my purse so when I amContinue Reading …

I’d Rather be with my Dog @dougratner #IdRatherBeWithMyDog

As long as I can remember I have had a dog in my life. As a child we always had dogs, my grandparents had dogs and as a mom we had/have dogs. These animals are part of the family, they are our companions. Currently both of my boys who are labs, are always by myContinue Reading …