Life – Redheads DO go Grey!

For so many years people would say to me “redheads don’t turn grey” and I believed them.  A few weeks back I noticed a grey hair on my head.  When I showed a relative of mine they replied “that’s not grey that is white”.  What is the difference?  Today I looked in the mirror and I found way more grey there than I would like.  I know being over 30 I should expect this, but I honestly thought I never would turn grey.  I think I was expecting just to get lighter shades of red.  I have never dyed my hair before, but I am thinking about it.  My concern with dying my hair, is that they will not match the colour exactly as it is now (minus the grey lol) .Maybe I would be better off getting highlights, that way it will all blend and I will have my base colour.  I know this is something I am not going to attempt to do at home on my own.  I am dreading what a professional will charge me for this.

Funny thing is, I received a gift certificate for Christmas to get my hair done and I still have it in my purse.  I was actually cutting my own hair this morning when I noticed all of my new grey. Between school for me, school for the kids, Doctor appointments and dentist visits I find sticking to a schedule hard enough. Now I need to schedule a hair appointment…bleh  A funny side note -Before I came to write this post I googled about redheads turning grey.  Some very strange myths came up in my search results : )  Maybe I will share them in more depth at a later time.  For now, I need to fix my hair problem.


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