5 Reasons to change your decor

Changing up a room can be quite easy and inexpensive! Adding a fresh coat of paint, a throw rug or even a new stool can make a big difference. Of course what you do will depend on your space, budget and taste. It will also depend on your capabilities to see what can be and maybe even how handy you are. I always wished I was more creative when it came to home decor as there have been many times I wanted a change. Below is a list of reasons to change your decor in case you are like me and need a little self approval and need to justify the change.


5 Reasons to change your decor

Change of seasons

Many people change their decor with the seasons. It can be themed for the holidays or the weather. If it is for summer bright colours and lots of light to allow the sun in are always popular. In the winter months people tend to make their spaces more cozy and comforting. I  think this has to do with being inside so much more. If you celebrate the holidays you may need to move items around to make room for additional holiday decor like a tree and other traditional items.

A new addition

A new addition can be having a baby, a new relationship or even buying a pet. As we add to our lives things change and our surroundings need to change as well. We need to create space for other peoples belongs and tastes. If you are having a baby  you will want to change things up to be comforting, soothing and even more child like. You may just change one room (the nursery) or you may transform an entire home. Again what you do is up to your abilities but the possibilities are endless.

A loss or major change

When we experience loss in any form we often have reminders that will trigger memories. Some good and some bad. A loss can be losing a loved one but it can also be a loss of a relationship, job or really anything in our lives. If you lose a job you have had for quite some time you will want to start fresh. Making small changes can be a great way to do this. If the loss is a break up, like many you will want to remove all reminders of your ex and that often includes furnishings and decor. Just be sure you are in the right frame of mind before doing so. You do not want to get rid of anything you will wish you had kept late on 🙂

A move or renovation

When you move to a new home you want to make it your own. Painting, trim, a few pictures and even flooring are great ways to make a space YOURS. You do not need to do it all at once, I suggest picking one room and completing it so you do not get overwhelmed before starting on another. I have seen many people with their entire home in chaos instead of working on one space at a time. I like seeing projects completed totally for peace of mind and enjoyment.

If you add onto your home it is a great time to change things up. You already have eveything you need there and this is your opportunity to make your rooms flow. Again, a fresh new start!

Just need a pick me up

Changing the decor in a room you spend a lot of time in is a great way to brighten your mood. Certain colours can get people down without them even knowing it. Old wall paper and old flooring can make a room look worn out and run down in turn creating a depressed mood you just can not shake. Calming colours are what I like for my bedroom as they are peaceful and help me rest. Beige, greys and pastels are soothing and easy to add furnishings to.

Hopefully if you were on the fence about changing your decor you have found a reason now! Small changes often make huge impacts!

Have you changed up your decor lately?



  1. Elizabeth Matthiesen says

    Very true, when our house if finally finished I can at long last buy new cupboards and put away all the stuff that's just hanging around. If only the builder had done his job properly during the last 2 1/2 yrs I wouldn't be in such a mess – this is a new house in case you were wondering!

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